Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels

My Portfolio

Throughout my career as a sales leader, I've learned that the key to enduring success is not just understanding what clients say they need, but probing deeper to uncover needs they haven't yet articulated. This skill of asking the right questions—and listening intently to the answers—allows me to anticipate market trends and client needs ahead of the curve. I invite you to delve into some of my recent portfolio work, which illustrates the practical application of these insights and strategies to bringing new products and innovations to market.

Product-Market Fit Diagnosis for SWOL Technology

SWOL Technology is an early-stage company poised for significant growth, offering a platform that simplifies online management for fitness businesses by consolidating course content and student communication.

At the start of our engagement, if you had asked the CEO of SWOL Technology who their customers were, he would have responded, "We sell to B2C fitness businesses." While SWOL Technology's platform could potentially help any fitness company with an online presence, I helped the CEO narrow down their target customer to avoid costly mistakes and enable faster growth.

By defining the narrowest possible group of customers, I helped the CEO quickly learn that his first five customers were not the ideal target, allowing him to shift direction before investing too much time and money in customers who wouldn't renew. This exercise also helped the CEO build a data-driven case that there is a definable group who buys their product and can't live without it. This strategic refinement was instrumental for SWOL Technology in aligning their growth trajectory with the right market segment.

This focus is critical at any stage of a business but especially in the early stages when all a founder has are theories. While founders might feel they are limiting their growth potential, they are actually building their business around the right customers who will buy their product. For SWOL Technology, these customers inform how the product evolves and provide data on the next set of potential customers. They also serve as case studies and proof points, demonstrating that the product works and brings value to existing customers.